Friday, January 9, 2009

Vampire Mania Continues

The niche of vampire-fantasy material doesn't look to be running out of steam anytime soon. It's a genre that exploded with popularity with the advent of the Twilight series, the first movie raking it in at the box office despite luke-warm reviews, and the sequel quickly confirmed within a few days of the initial film's release. Its little surprise that studios are latching onto this latest craze and looking to turn out more vampire-related pictures. Last November, it was announced by Variety that producers Michael Birnbaum and Jeremiah Chechik had optioned the House of Night book series, which revolves around a special school for vampires. No word has come on the development of that property in a film, but it most likely isn't coincidence that the decision was arrived at the same month Twilight hit the big screens.

But what is more likely coincidence is the convergence of another pair of vampire-related stories that were announced yesterday. The first is the rumor of villain Morbius appearing in Spider-Man 4. Morbius, for those who have not been initiated into geek-hood, is a scientist who, through an experiment gone awry, takes on vampire-like attributes. Granted, director Sam Raimi makes a fairly solid case for why he wants to incorporate the character into the next film, but is there a chance he was influenced by the recent demand? The second announcement is not directly related to film, but still interesting. Director Guillermo del Toro has apparently written a trilogy of vampire novels that will be released last year. How this man manages to write an "epic" scale trio of novels and turn out films like Pan's Labyrinth and Hellboy II: The Golden Army, as well as being booked with directing gigs for the forseeable future, starting with The Hobbit is beyond me, but I will watch with interest to see how well these novels are received.

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