Thursday, January 22, 2009

Golden Raspberry Award Nominees Announced

On the eve of the announcement of the 2008 Oscar nominees, those behind the Golden Raspberry Award have let their own thoughts about last years films be known. Specifically, they've released their nominees for the worst performances and films of the year. The Razzies (as they are more commonly known) have been ongoing for nearly 30 years, and as their description states, they are determined to throw "Darts of Hollywood's High Profile Humiliations." While some may think this a bit mean spirited, what better way to remind Hollywood of their failures? The Razzies, running parallel with the awards celebrating Tinsel Town's achievements, are a huge reminder from the moviegoers that the industry screwed up in a big way. And occasionally, some of the recipients even acknowledge the voice of the Razzies by showing up at the ceremony to accept their award. Halle Berry received a Razzie for Worst Performance in Catwoman, and stood on stage with her Monster Ball Oscar in one hand and her Razzie in the other as she made her acceptance speech (note: video contains some language).

So what unfortunate souls stooped low enough in the film-making profession to earn a Razzie nominee? Leading the pack with 6 nominees was the horrendous The Love Guru, starring Mike Meyers. More suprising was The Happening, an M. Night Shymalan horror pic starring Matt Whalberg, which came in second in the nominee race with 4 nods. And while Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull probably deserves its nomination in the "Worse Prequel, Remake, Rip-off, or Sequel" category, I'm personally rooting for Speed Racer to win the title, as it stole 135 minutes of my life that I would like back. Are there any potential contenders that the Vault thinks is missing? Though it may be heresy to suggest so, I would have liked to seen Catherine Hardwicke in the running for Worst Director for Twlight. I didn't care at all for the film that came out last November (and yes, I have read the books), and I think a large part had to do with the directing of the film. But as the movie is widely acclaimed by many fans, it was unlikely to happen.

What are your thoughts, readers? Did the Razzies peg the right people? Did they miss something obvious? Post your thoughts below!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post!
I've never heard of The Golden Raspberry awards before, thanks for sharing.

Graduation Stoles

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